The Weather in Tenerife in June

Daytime High Temperatures

Summer has well and truly arrived in Tenerife by June with typical daytime maximums around the coast ranging between 23 and 30°C. Tenerife South Airport sees average daily highs of 25.4°C, while Santa Cruz sees average highs of 26.2°C. It’s usually a little cooler at Tenerife North Airport with average highs of 22.2°C, while the the weather station at Izaña (2371 metres above sea level) sees median daily highs of 18.7°C.

View of Tenerife's North Coast with Mount Teide in the distance.
View of Tenerife’s North Coast with Mount Teide in the distance.

Nighttime Low Temperatures

At night, temperatures along the south coast drop to between 17 and 21°C in June. Santa Cruz sees an average low of 19.5°C, while Tenerife South Airport sees an average low of 18.8°C. Away from the coast and at altitude, temperatures drop a little further and Tenerife North Airport sees average lows of 14°C in June, while the Izaña Weather Station sees lows of 9.9°C.

The record low at Tenerife South Airport in June is 14.6°C which was recorded on the 2nd of the month in 2014. So, although it”s possible that there could be a slightly cooler evening, you are probably safe to leave jackets and warm cardigans at home. That said, it is cooler and windier in the high mountains, so if you are planning any excursions into the interior of the island, you may want to pack a jacket or fleece for that anyway.


The south of the island is normally very sunny at this time of year, and Tenerife South Airport sees an average of just 1.8 completely overcast days during June. In the southern resorts, there are usually many days without a single cloud in the sky. Santa Cruz also usually sees lots of sunshine at this time of year.

Tenerife North Airport is, as always, cloudier than the south, and it sees an average of 4.8 completely overcast days in June. Although there is no official long-term data, colloquial evidence suggests that Puerto de la Cruz can see mixed sunny/cloudy weather at this time of year.


As with cloud cover, the south is much drier than the north at this time of year, and Tenerife South Airport sees an average of just 0.2 days with any appreciable rain in June. Santa Cruz also remains mostly dry in June with just 0.9mm over the month on average. Tenerife North Airport, on the other hand, sees an average of 11mm and 4.7 days with appreciable rain.

Sea Temperature

The sea around Tenerife is finally starting to warm up in July reaching an average of around 21°C. This is fine for a refreshing swim, but you may still want a wetsuit for surfing or snorkelling.

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