La Orotava

posted in: Cities/Towns | 0

Founded at the beginning of the 16th century, La Orotava’s first two centuries of existence proved very prosperous. Surrounded by the best agricultural land on the island, a thriving wine production industry soon got under way and splendid mansions and … Continued

San Cristóbal de La Laguna

posted in: Cities/Towns | 0

The island’s original capital was founded by Alonso Fernández de Lugo in 1496 shortly after he had defeated the native Guanches. San Cristóbal de La Laguna (its full title) was the capital of the Canary Islands until 1833, when that … Continued

Santa Cruz de Tenerife

posted in: Cities/Towns | 0

This attractive city has been the Island’s capital since 1833 and is also the joint-capital of the Canary Islands (together with Las Palmas). It is a far cry from the resorts of the south and very much retains its Spanish … Continued